● Participates in the premiere of the movement Abso-absolument during the two Rencontres de Crest, starting point for a new reflection on the acousmatic genre (followed therafter by the GRM and by the Ars sonora network). ● Composed Torrents du miroir for soprano, mezzo-soprano, counter tenor, bass and instrumental ensemble for the André Jolivet Third composition contest organised by the Conservatoire of Montreuil. ● Tom et la licorne, opera for children on a libretto by Thomas Brando composed at the request of Hélène Planel and premiered in Avril at the municipal theater of Montélimar by the students of the Alain Borne Secondary School. ● Publication of his first monographic CD by the Ina-GRM: Notre besoin de consolation est impossible à rassasier.
● Cofounded with Jean-Louis Bergerard and Michel Lavignolle the instrumental ensemble Les Temps Modernes de Lyon. ● Founded Futura festival with Jean-François Minjard and Robert Curtet and starts a practical artistic workshop on acousmatics at the Revesz-Long secondary school of Crest (Drôme). ● Collections de timbres for organ and tape, commissioned by the GRM premiered at the French Radio in March by Michel Fisher. ● Composes several instrumental pieces: Souvenir de craie, Cannibale, Archéoptéryx, En effeuillant la marguerite, Ataraxie. ● Publication of a second monographic CD in the UnaCorda collection (Accord) awarded a 9 by Répertoire, 5 by Diapason and 4 by Monde de la musique.
● Composed along with Flèches and Chrysalide, his first acousmatic works on computer. ● In October, forerunner of the International Festival of Acousmatic Art Futura in the form of a grand installation in the Crest Tower and concerts with the premier of Où est maintenant la forêt, composed during the artistic practical workshop of the Revesz-Long secondary school of Crest. ● Claude Arrieu prize of the Sacem, awarded for his compositional activity in the Crest region.
● Organises the first edition of the Futura festival (from the 21 to the 29 May in Crest, Drôme). ● Co-incharge of the organisation of the Forum of Acousmatic Production in Pédagogical Settings organised in Livron-sur-Drôme that year and again in 1995. ● Offrande ou l'être achevé, acousmatic work commissioned by the Ministry of culture and of communication commemorating ten years of the Aides association at the amphitheatre of the Opéra Bastille in Septembre.
● Director of the ensemble Les Temps Modernes de Lyon until 1998. ● Organized the second edition of Futura from 26 August to 3 September in Crest, opening and incorporating fixed media arts (cinema, video art, fine arts). ● Appointed professor of the instrumental and acousmatic composition class of the conservatoire of Perpignan. ● Organised acousmatic concert cycles every year in Perpignan during the Aujourd’hui Musiques season. ● Acousmatic works: Golgotha, Allégorie, Exil, Hélice. ● Instrumentales works: Avalanche for piano (52'), Litanie pour les vierges for a double children's choir and twelve string players.
● Participated with Philippe Blanchard in the organisation of a composers’s Lodge in Rhône-Alpes that foreruns L’Inventaire Rhône-Alpes des compositeurs de musiques électroacoustiques. ● Deligate producer at the Ina-GRM for the organisation of the seminar D’après Schaeffer, three days of concerts and symposiums during the Aujourd’hui Musiques festival of Perpignan. ● Fonded Motus, independant organisation bringing together all the activities of broadcasting, concerts, training and the discographic publication that he initiated since 1980 in the field of instrumental, acousmatic and electroacoustic music. Motus also manages his own loudspeaker orchestra that he developed with the help of Daniel Bisbau and Jonathan Prager, before adding a second system to it in the end of 2003. That way Motus had two of the most important portable orchestras regularly invited to perform in France and in Europe, lead by a team of professional performers. He appointed Jonathan Prager as a permanent member after having trained him in acousmatic projection for several years. ● Acousmatic works: Elixir, Bazar punaise, Nuage de Pierre, Une abeille et une perle. ● Instrumental works: Excusez-moi je meurs for piano, percussion and cello, Trois transcriptions d'après Rameau for chamber ensemble.