● Launched a new discographic collection under the label Motus. ● Tandem oblique for flute and piano is his first instrumental work published on CD in the MotusAujourd'hui collection. ● In June, organises the concert inaugurating the Pierre Schaeffer centre of reasearch studies in Montreuil. ● In GRM, produces “Empreintes”, annual series of compositeur's conferences in the Acousmathèque. ● Honorary member of committee (along with Ernest Bour, Klaus Huber et Younghee Pagh-Paan) and adviser for the instrumental ensemble Linea of Strasbourg directed by Jean-Philippe Wurtz. ● Le Mystère des tornades for ensemble and fixed media, commission by Radio France premiered by the Linéa ensemble in May 1999, Ebene sieben premiered in Paris in the acousmatic cycle (commissioned by the GRM), Lux tenebrae premiered at the Médiator in Perpignan in Novembre during the first Acousma-Rave which intersects popular and art electronic works and their audiences.
● Daniel Teruggi, the new director of the GRM, assigns him the construction of a database for the management of the works at the acousmathèque. He initiated l’Atelier, series of meetings between the actors of the musical field and the GRM, which he mediated until his leaving the GRM in January 2000. ● Special edition of the Futura festival in Lyon in March, in connection with Musiques en scène of the Grame, for the fiftieth year of musique concrète. ● Curation of concerts for the fiftieth year of musique concrète of the CER Pierre Schaeffer in April in Montreuil and in October in the École normale de musique of Paris. ● His work as a composer is the subject of a master's thesis by Vincent Laubeuf at the Musicology department of the Lyon II University: Denis Dufour and the morphologic writing, then, the following year, in a DEA at the Paris 8 University on his piece Collection de timbres. ● Receives Pierre Henry at Futura for Le Vaisseau de Pierre, 26 hours of uninterrupted music in the Crest Tower the 28 and 29 August. ● On the 14 November, the third Acousma-rave Futura at the Médiator in Perpignan bringing together more than 400 people. ● Terra incognita, a work for two acousmoniums (loudspeakers orchestras) premiered in June at the French Radio, Cinq miniatures pour Barbe Bleue for soprano, bass and six instruments, commissioned by the French Radio for the series Alla breve on France Musique premiered by the Linea ensemble.
● Resettles in Paris. ● Artistic incharge of the exhibition of sound installations of the Ida y Vuelta 2000 festival at La Casa musicale of Perpignan. ● As artistic director, he notably produces a CD-book dedicated to orchestral and and chamber works by d'Ivo Malec, unanimously commended by critics. Recently a series of six album-concepts in digifiles dedicated to the contemporary French acousmatic scene, among 21 references to date. ● End of Novembre, he receives Pierre Henry for three concerts at the Médiator in Perpignan, the Aujourd’hui music festival. ● Les Joueurs de sons, eight channel work of 72 minutes, is a musical journey retracing the history of musique concrète from its origins until the present (in collaboration with Agnès Poisson).
● The Futura festival is dedicated in August to “La Totale acousmatique” (all of the acousmatic) and invites Michel Chion and the DJ Laurent Ho to Crest. ● To the Italian festivals La Terra Fertile and CIM at L’Aquila (Italy) in September, he introduced the concept of acousmatic interpretation and curates numerous concerts on the Motus acousmoniums (loudspeaker orchestra). ● Following his meeting with Alexandre Yterce, he coproduces in Paris in November the first Licences / Brûlures des langues festival (sound poetry, experimental music, acousmatics). ● Chanson de la plus haute tour, work in four channels of 72 minutes based on a text by Thomas Brando which is recited by Pierre Henry, premiered at the Cycle acousmatique of the GRM performed on two acousmoniums by the composer and Jonathan Prager (commissioned by the French government). ● The 9 December, on the Why Note festival of Dijon, he is a musician (microphonist) in Karlheinz Stockhausen's Kurzwellen with the Linea ensemble.