● In August, the summer course of acousmatic performance in Crest which brings twelve candidates from around the world each year for more than a week, mediated by Jonathan Prager, Olivier Lamarche, Tomonari Higaki and Denis Dufour. Several loudspeaker orchestras, based on the know-how from this course, were then constructed in France, Japan, Italie… ● Composed several short acousmatic pieces on Thomas Brando's love poems in the series of Acousmalides: Caravaggio, La Malédiction des flammes, Panique au bord de l’eau, L’Ivre d’avril, Géométrie mystique… ● In October, with the director of CNSMD of Lyons Henry Fourès, and teachers of electracoustic music, he launches “Les Journées de l’électroacoustique” that brings students from composition classes together each year. ● Co-founder and member of the Association of Teachers of Composition in Electroacoustic Music (ATCEM). Organize with this association and Motus the National Days of Electroacoustic Music.
● In April, at the invitation of Françoise Barrière and Christian Clozier, he composed Spirale (commissioned by the Imeb) and Berechit in the studios of the International Institute of electroacoustic music of Bourges. ● Starting automn, for three years he inaugurated the series of residences of composers of the Domaine de Kerguéhennec, contemporary art centre (Morbihan), which commissioned him for La Terre est ronde (acousmatic work) and the instrumental works: Préhistoire, Dédale, Confession, L’Heure exacte, Silex, Rainette verte, Secret plié en seize dans le coffre de hune most of which were premiered by the Cairn ensemble. ● In September, launch of the Syntax cycle in Perpignan: sets of concerts, conferences, shows, master classes, talks with composers, learning sessions and screenings of films and videos – thrice a year, each spanning over several days. ● In October, Chanson de la plus haute tour is performed again on two acousmoniums (loudspeakers orchestra) with Jonathan Prager, this time in Brussels at the Espace du son festival. ● In December at Dijon, premier of Piano dans le ciel, acousmatic work commissioned by the Why Note festival for Jay Gottlieb's recital.
● On the 22 and 23 February, he travels to Tokyo at the invitation of the CCMC festival of the ACSM116 for acousmatic concerts and a conference. ● Travels to Berlin in March for a series of concerts during the Märzmusik where Le Tango de l'oubli was premiered and where he performs his acousmatic works Légende and Chanson de la plus haute tour. ● Composed La Tour des murmures, permanent sound installation in sixteen channels for the museography of the Crest Tower. ● In August, premier of Sphère in Ploemeur, orchestral work commissioned by the regional association ADDAV 56 for a summer course for symphony orchestra. ● Organized sound workshops at the Domaine de Kerguéhennec for students of Fine Arts schools. ● Was in Guadalajara (Mexico) in December for an acousmatic concert in his works, a conference, a symposium and a radio interview.
● Forms a partnershp with Mare, directed by Franco Degrassi, to facilitate the production of a loudspeaker orchestra and the organisation of a course on acousmatic performance end of June in Bari (Italy). ● Starting August, for three consecutive years the summer course brings together around ten Japanese musicians in Paris for an acousmatic composition course led by Denis Dufour (co-produced by Motus and ACSM116). ● Founded the Syntax ensemble constituted of five teachers of the CNR of Perpignan-Méditerranée and which had the particularity of including a loudspeaker orchestra among its instruments. ● In October, several of his works were performed by Jonathan Prager guest artist along with Motus at the Musicacoustica festival of Beijing (China) for which he curated concerts, conferences and a workshop of acousmatic performance.
● Ten days tour of Tokyo with Motus in Februrary for concerts, film projections and conferences at the Franco-japanese institute, at the Maison franco-japonaise and the Cay club. ● In May, Jonathan Prager premiered Voix off', an acousmatic work in eight channels of 91 minutes based on a text by Thomas Brando, in the Multiphonies series of the French Radio (commissioned by the GRM) in Paris.
● The 1st of March brought an acousmatic concert of his acousmatic works entitled L'Amour de Mars in Vienna in Austria. ● On the 19th of July, he organised a series of acousmatic concerts at the Traffic festival in Turin where several of his acousmatic works are performed by Jonathan Prager. ● Composed Altitude for the violist Garth Knox who premiered the work in April during the Syntax concert cycle in Perpignan. ● At the end of 2006, he entrusted the direction of Motus, Futura and Syntax to Vincent Laubeuf, retaining the artistic direction of the discographic collections and the Syntax ensemble.