Born in Lyon (France).
Primary and secondary education at the Externat Sainte-Marie of Lyon.
● Violin studies (private lessons). ● Deprived of any solfegic knowledge, tries to compose a concerto for piano and orchestra remained unfinished.
Viola studies (private lessons).
After a baccalauréat in the sciences (C), enters the faculty of mathematics and physics of Lyon and the CNR de Lyon (musicianship).
Is admited to the CNR of Lyon for classes in viola, analysis, music history, esthetic and art history, general musicianship, early harmony and conterpoint.
Private lessons in harmony with Pierre Lantier in Paris (on the advice of Simone Chemin, professor of musicianship at the CNR of Lyon).
● In June, meets Ivo Malec in Paris (on the advice of Dominique Dubreuil, professor of esthetic and art history at CNR of Lyon). ● In October, enters the CNSM of Paris in Pierre Schaeffer and Guy Reibel's electroacoustic composition classes (on the advice of Ivo Malec). ● Observer for two years in Ivo Malec's composition classes and Pierre Lantier's harmonie classes at the CNSM of Paris.
● In June, awarded the degree in electroacoustic composition of CNSM de Paris (honours). ● Directed for Marcel Landowski the magnetic tape of Trumpet, concerto for trumpet, orchestra and band. ● Assist Guy Reibel for the composition of Granulations-Sillages. ● Collaborates with Bernard Durr on his research on non-temperate frequency scales and assists him with the composition of his Étude aux degrés linéaires. ● In October, enters Ivo Malec and Michel Philippot's composition classes, and Claude Ballif's analysis classes. ● Becomes a member of the Ina-GRM that he will leave in 2000. ● Assistant to Guy Reibel and Pierre Schaeffer in their composition classes at the CNSM of Paris. Participate in the implementation of the new pedagogy on séquences-jeu and the development of a musical method for the teaching of the synthesizer. ● Electronic interpreter in Mixtur by Karlheinz Stockhausen, Radio France Orchestra, direction Ivo Malec.
● In January, premier in concert of Étude composition, a study of acousmatic composition, first work of his catalogue. ● In March, premier of the first instrumental work for soprano and viola, En sursaut. ● In June, degree in analysis at the CNSM de Paris. ● Composes Objet-danse, commissioned by Dominique Dupuy's Ballets Modernes de Paris. ● In October, founded, at François Bayle's suggestion, the Trio GRM Plus (the first ensemble of synthesizers dedicated to contemporary repertoire).
● Premier of Concerto for violin and orchestra in Paris by Raphaël Oleg under the direction of Jacques Mercier. ● Composes his first major work for fixed media, Bocalises grande suite [36'43], commissioned by the GRM which is premeired at French Radio in March 1981 in the occasion of the Cycle acousmatique. ● Souvenir de Pierre for three instruments ad libitum, is the first of his authorised instrumental transcriptions of the acousmatic works of Pierre Schaeffer. It inaugurated the cycle Fantaisies romantiques et baroques itself constituted of three cycles : 1. Plis de perversion, 2. Cycle des marais, 3. Cycle du délicieux danger (to which this piece belongs). Velours des dunes (Pli de perversion /1), graphic score for violin and synthesiser.
● Degree in instrumental composition at the CNSM de Paris. ● First expérience in musical theatre with Je voulais parler des oiseaux [40'00] for soprano, percussion, guitar and tape, premiered at the French Radio in April. ● Commissioned by Dominique Dupuy's Ballets Modernes de Paris for Le Cercle dans tous ses états, premiered in March in Avignon. ● Premier of Un petit qui t'aime in November by Percussions de Strasbourg, commissioned by CERM for the 8th Rencontres internationales de musique contemporaine de Metz. ● First prize in the Luigi Russolo International composition competition (Varese, Italy) for Bocalises petite suite.
● Professional intern at the Sacem. ● Composition of L'Apocalypse d'Angers inspired from the tapistry of the château des Ducs d'Anjou, aired on the radio waves of France Musique in November of the following year. ● First French government's commission for the experimental work La Galerie premiered at Metz during the 9e Rencontres internationales de musique contemporaine. ● In October, he founded the acousmatic composition class of the CNR de Lyon where he is the resident professor until 1995.