
Ryoan-ji (le jardin de Pierre de Kyoto)
Singularities #4. Digisleeve Singularities. 2017.
● In 2016 and 2017, the label Singularities brought together in the same series works by acousmatic and experimental composers upon the initiative of Benjamin Aït-Ali and Laurent Chambert… ▶▶

Passage à Paris. Digipack Licences. 2017.
● In this compilation of works by acousmatic composers living in Paris, Nautilus, composed in 2001, is above all a instructional piece. In developing his work from strong extramusical constraints… ▶▶

Esprit de suite / Berlin
Fragmentation (Bocalises) | Thème (Variations acousmatiques) | Accordéon | Hentai | Si tendre, si funeste. Revue-CD-DVD CRU2 B@£. 2015-2016.
● This programme conceived for the opening of the exhibition… ▶▶

La Malédiction des flammes
Brûlures des langues I-X. Coffret CD Licences LCS CD 01. 2009.
● La Malédiction des flammes is part of Denis Dufour's cycle of Acousmalides, which takes Thomas Brando's poems and sets them to music in a short format inspired by the 19th century lied or French melodies. In this piece, the text is sometimes highlighted, sometimes masked in a whirlwind, a dizzy… ▶▶

Le Labyrinthe de l’amour
Revue-CD Licences n°2. 2003.
● In the collective project Germinal, the fifteen participating composers were instructed to elaborate a work from a “seed”, a unique sound of a few seconds, freely chosen by each, in order to highlight the new means of digital studio transformation (no real-time) developed by Bénédict Mailliard at Studio 123… ▶▶

La Nuit du Dibdak
Virtual Zoo. CD Cristal Studio Forum. 2001.
● Studio Forum, based in Annecy, organized in 2001 a collective and collaborative project on the Internet, the Virtual Zoo. The instruction was to create a short piece, a more or less rich… ▶▶

Caravaggio | Entre dames
Revue-CD Licences n°1. 2000-2001.
● In this issue of Licenses magazine-CD, directed by Alexandre Yterce and devoted to music, art and literature, two works of equivocal sensuality by Denis Dufour are featured. Neither an illustration nor an adaptation of Thomas Brando's eponymous text, Caravaggio goes beyond words to express its spirit in a… ▶▶

Tandem oblique
L’Air du Large – Pièces contemporaines pour flûte et piano. Livre-CD Motus M 298004. 1998. (5 Diapason)
● Tandem oblique, here is a work that is aptly named, where flute and piano accompany and confront each other on a road… ▶▶

Où est maintenant la forêt ?
Denis Dufour et les élèves des classes de musique du collège Revesz Long. CD Cristal Motus M197001. 1997. (4 Diapason).
● Between 1992 and 1996, Denis Dufour directed artistic practice workshop with music class students at Secondary School… ▶▶

Bocalises, petite suite
XIX° Concorso internazionale Luigi Russolo di musica elettroacustica. ef-er P'97-2. 1997.
● This compilation was made for the 19th International Luigi Russolo Competition for Electroacoustic Music in Varese… ▶▶

L’Air du temps – Lyon Recorder Ensemble. MA 2005. 1993.
● Specially composed for the Lyon Recorder Ensemble, Denis Dufour's work, Ataraxie, is of an incomparable virtuosity. The combinations of timbres, rhythms and symbols become… ▶▶

Torrents du miroir
Third André Jolivet Composition Competition. ENMD03. 1991.
● For the third André Jolivet composition competition, Denis Dufour composed this work for vocal quartet and seven instruments on a libretto by Thomas Brando… ▶▶

Rêve lisse
TM+ Instrumental Electroacoustic Trio. Ina-GRM 9115-16 TM. 1984.
● Rêve lisse is written for two synthesisers and violin. Often in pieces composed for TM+ by Denis Dufour, the writing makes extensive use of glissando, which makes it easier for him to associate the playing of electronic instruments… ▶▶

Souvenir de Pierre
Schaeffer, Paroles et Musique. Ina-GRM 9106 SC. 1982.
● Denis Dufour's transposition of Pierre Schaeffer's Étude aux sons animés to the world of instrumental playing marks the beginning of the GRM Plus Trio's (TM+) adventure. With his acute and trained hearing as a composer, both instrumental and… ▶▶

Cueillir à l'arbre un petit garçon
Duo Delangle – saxophone and piano. REM 10864. 1980.
● This CD of the prestigious Duo Delangle features pieces for saxophone and piano by composers such as Marius Constant and Olivier Messiaen. Once again, Denis Dufour touches on live electronics (by performing here on analogue synthesisers)… ▶▶