Souvenir de Pierre
Schaeffer, Paroles et Musique. Ina-GRM 9106 SC. 1982.
Denis Dufour's transposition of Pierre Schaeffer's Étude aux sons animés to the world of instrumental playing marks the beginning of the GRM Plus Trio's (TM+) adventure. With his acute and trained hearing as a composer, both instrumental and acousmatic, he has created a score in three parts, a faithful, precise, detailed and documented graphic score based on the original work. Through his mastery of writing, he ensured that signs and symbols were clear and suggestive enough to allow any instrumental ensemble of at least three musicians to play the work. Here, it is with two synthesisers and a prepared piano that Laurent Cuniot, Denis Dufour and Yann Geslin recorded this "classic" which recaptures its youthful air. According to Schaeffer himself, his work was sleeping "in the waters of Lethe, at the bottom of the magnetic cupboards”.
Disc 1
Étude pathétique 03'20
Masquerage 03'38
Les Paroles gelées 04'19
Toute la lyre ou vestiges d'Orphée 13'45
Étude aux allures 03'28
Disc 2
Étude aux objets 17'12
Objets exposés 03'35
Objets étendus 02'55
Objets multipliés 03'00
Objets liés 03'05
Objets rassemblés 04'15
Étude aux sons animés 04'10
Denis Dufour Souvenir de Pierre 05'50
Compact disc [discogs]